Universal ATM Surround
Our Indoor / Outdoor Universal ATM Surround was engineered to become your one Universal Solution to deploying walk up ATMs. This one of a kind unit combines high visibility with versatility. The Universal ATM Surround can be deployed in any climate, year round, indoors or outdoors. The Universal ATM Surround will fit almost all retail ATMs no matter what make or model, new or older versions. Equipped with a solid Lexan front panel with a lightweight 8” Lexan door, the Diamond Universal ATM Surround provides easy access to your customers, while keeping your ATM dry and climatized. The Diamond Universal ATM Surround is a great way to reduce vandalism and theft. Heat and insulation optional. 26”W - 28.5”D - 84”H .
Contour ATM Surround
Why pay for perceived protection instead of getting the real thing? The Contour ATM Surround is the ultimate in security surrounds. 3/16” thick steel and Ram-Resistant, the Contour ATM Surround can provide the protection that you need to safeguard your investment. After anchoring your Contour ATM Surround down, you can anchor the ATM through the surround floor into the concrete giving you eight anchor points or Diamond can set your Contour Surround up so that the ATM can be bolted directly to the surround ensuring that, if it is ever broken away from the concrete, the ATM remains firmly attached inside the surround.
Our patent pending, adjustable, wall plates help to prevent the possibility of having someone throw a chain around your ATM and pull it out. There is also a patent pending, adjustable, device available that contours the exposed top of the ATM to the wall for further protection.